SXSW 2008 is almost here!
March 2nd, 2008 Posted in ActionScript, Flash Player, Flex Development, Music, sxsw 2008, web 2.0, web integrationThis will be my 3rd year in a row for the music portion of the legendary South By Southwest conference. Once again, it starts in Dallas for me where Niki drives us down to Austin for the event. This year, Xina will be joining us on our adventures and she will be photo-documenting the weekend as well.
To support our photo aspect of our trip I have been developing a custom photo gallery Wordpress plug-in using Flex 3. I have completed version 0.1 which I am using for SXSW. The goal is to start alpha-testing version 0.2 very shortly, so if you are using Wordpress and Flickr and want to experiment with a new gallery plug-in let me know. Also, if you have any issues (which I would not be surprised since it is a 0.1 release) please report them to me: james [ at ] This is my first Wordpress plug-in so that has been an adventure in itself. I will be doing a lot more talking on the plug-in process in the feature and what I see the feature set being for future releases.
Sooo… back to SXSW. I will be posting a recap of every day early in the morning before we head to bed. If you want to check out the last two years, here are the links.
SXSW 2006 Tales from SXSW (pre-flight check) Tales From SXSW – Day 1 Tales From SXSW – Day 2 Tales From SXSW – Day 3 Tales From SXSW – Day 4 (finale)
SXSW 2007 Tales from SXSW 2007: Pre-flight check SXSW 2007: Day One Recap SXSW 2007: Day Two Recap SXSW 2007: Day Three Recap SXSW 2007: Day Four Recap SXSW 2007: Top Ten Countdown… Starting Monday SXSW 2007: Top Ten Countdown #10 & #9 SXSW 2007: Top Ten Countdown #8 & #7 SXSW 2007: Top Ten Countdown #6 & #5 SXSW 2007: Top Ten Countdown #4 & #3 SXSW 2007: Top Ten Countdown #2 & #1
And finally, I was digging around and found my memory card I used for SXSW 2006. These pics have never been seen before until now! I created a new set on Flickr and of course I am using it to demo my new Photoslider gallery. Enjoy!
update: Looks like express install is a little wonky with the new version of the Flash Player. You will need the newest player to view this (9.0.115) so if the auto installer acts odd, go to’s Flash Player install page to update.
6 Responses to “SXSW 2008 is almost here!”
By Josh on Mar 5, 2008
Photoslider rocks. When can I use it for Blogger?
By Josh on Mar 5, 2008
I should elaborate. Photoslider totally ROCKS MY FACE.
By James on Mar 5, 2008
Ahhhh blogger. I started looking into this last night and it looks like blogger uses Google Gadgets to do embedding. The first issue I see (with my very, very little research) is that Gadgets require you to host content. What that means is that any gadget user that wants to use Photoslider will have to host the SWF somewhere. I probably won’t be able to host the SWF for people because if people start adopting it then my server will get creamed.
I am looking into options to see what other Gadget devs are doing, if they are using SWF content, if so how are they hosting. Otherwise I may have to look into hosting options and/or hosting fees (blarg!!).
The nice thing about Wordpress and/or Moveable Type is that most users are hosting on their own server and adding a plugin contains the SWF and required code. Its not all lost yet, this is very very early research.
By webnesto on Mar 6, 2008
Dude, that is way awesome! Looks really great! Love the full screen functionality…. got some ideas for functionality, remind me next time we talk.
By James on Mar 6, 2008
Cool… I am in the midst of planning out the feature list and release plan for 0.2 – 0.5 right now. I will be interested to see what ideas you have for sure!
By Doug W. on Mar 6, 2008
Congrats on the Photoslider — Very cool