Looking at the world of media: from music to RIA.

Archive for July, 2008

VivMedia Code Library: Version 0.03 released

Saturday, July 19th, 2008 Posted in ActionScript, Distribution, Flash Player, Flex Development, Rich Internet Applications, Self Reference, web 2.0, web integration | No Comments »

I pushed a new version of the library yesterday to Google Code. This is a relatively small release, which was not really my intention for version 0.03. Originally, I was planning on adding the first of a series ...

Posting slowing down for a bit…

Monday, July 14th, 2008 Posted in General Media / Stuff, Self Reference | No Comments »

Hi All, its been a while since I wrote a "fireside chat" post and this is a good as time as any. Some of you may have noticed my posting has slowed down a bit over the last month ...

VivMedia Code: Selection Controller

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 Posted in ActionScript, Flash Player, Flex Development, Rich Internet Applications | 8 Comments »

With the previous release of version 0.02 of the code base I added a new class called the SelectionController that enables you to treat items that implement the ISelectable interface as a selection group. As promised, this is the ...

Adobe kuler Desktop Sneak Peek

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008 Posted in Adobe APIs, Flash Player, Rich Internet Applications, kuler, web 2.0, web integration | No Comments »

A new version of Adobe kuler desktop is now here and ready for you download! Recently, I have been providing Flash and AIR development for the wonderful people in Adobe's Emerging Creative Technologies (ECT) team and I wanted to share ...