MAX 2008 Europe and a quick update
October 31st, 2008 Posted in Games, General Media / Stuff, Self ReferenceFirst off, Aaron and I have been invited to give our session at the 2008 MAX Europe in Milan, Italy this year. We will be joining the likes of Ted Patrick, Ryan Stewart and many other amazing speakers for the four day conference. I have heard great things about the European MAX and to say I am excited is probably an understatement. Aaron and I are really happy with our session planning so far and we look forward to sharing our research and thoughts on the topic of best practices for things like Flex 4, Thermo and CS4 integration.
So, where have I been all this time and why has this blog gotten so quiet? Well, first there was the session planning, then their is client work, oh and I am in the middle of starting a company with Aaron and moving all our clients to the new firm (more details to come), its also wedding season so I have been traveling around a lot for those and planning my own (well, Xina is really planning it I just help where I can). I am just a bit underwater and trying to take a few minutes to motivate me to write the blog has kind of been tough. Oh, and I just got Fable 2, Fallout 3 and LittleBigPlanet… there just isn’t enough time to do it all!
I will try to blog a bit more in the coming months, especially once we get our company fully launched and hopefully reports from MAX. Until next then!
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