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SXSW 2008: Hot Freaks Party and Dr. Dog photos

March 16th, 2008 Posted in Music, pics, sxsw 2008

As promised in my day three recap, here are the photos for the Hot Freaks day show at the Mohawk.  This set also has pics from day four’s Dr. Dog show.  Sorry for the delay, but trying to manage photos and blog posts after 14 hours of music is a little much.  I will have to think of a better way to streamline this for next year. Enjoy the pics!

  1. 4 Responses to “SXSW 2008: Hot Freaks Party and Dr. Dog photos”

  2. By Hund on Nov 6, 2008

    he photos for the Hot Freaks day show at the Mohawk.
    This set also has pics from day four’s

  3. By wow gold on Nov 7, 2008

    Now that everyone is back from SXSW, it's been fun to read all the blogs and see the pictures. Of course now I'm just more upset about missing the Old 97's.

    Thanks for the recap and the pictures. And dude, SO jealous that you got to see Rhett and the boys!

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